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The ultimate VR gaming experience isn’t complete without a top tier virtualreality headset.

Below are 4 of the best headsets around. They range in price, but all havegreat comfort and convenience. Even more importantly, they offer the bestresolution, refresh rate and filed of view (FOV) available. That translates tothe best visual gaming experience without wearing out your eyes.

Any of these choices are sure to fully immerse you in your gamingexperience.

1. Oculus Quest

First on this list is the Oculus Quest. When it was introduced into the market it was heralded as a game changer. And for good reason. This portable, wire-free device provides an all-in-one experience. That means you don’t need a full-blown expensive gaming PC to enjoy the VR gaming experience. It truly feels like the Oculus Quest is the future of VR.

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The Quest is basically a new and improved version of the older Oculus Go.The Go was a trailblazer in the world of wireless VR. But as it goes any time anew technology is introduced, there were some kinks to work out. The state ofthe art specs on the Quest seem to have done just that. Here’s a rundown:

Display: OLED

Resolution: 2880 x 1600

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Field of View: 100 degrees

Refresh Rate: 72Hz

Controller: Oculus Touch

Connections: Standalone (USB-C charger + 3.5mm jack for 3rd partyheadphones)

The OLED display is visually stunning. When compared to LCD displays, thecolors and tones feel more organic and lifelike. The 2880 x 1600 resolutionalso makes the display super high-def.

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The 72Hz refresh rate is well above the generally accepted minimum of 60Hzfor a good gaming experience. That means your eyes won’t be as taxed whentaking in the great graphics this device has to offer.

Field of view is one of the final frontiers to be perfected in VR gaming.For now, the 100 degree FOV offered on the Oculus Quest is right in the middleof the pack. As this technology improves expect the FOV to increase.

All together, these specs offer an awesome VR gaming experience. The factthat this is all offered on a wireless device is what makes the Oculus Questtruly stand out. Strapping in and being able to use the passthrough cameras asif they were an extension of your own eyes is truly remarkable.

You can play on this thing anywhere you go. You don’t need to addaccessories like sensors and cables. And you don’t need a fully-decked outgaming PC for it to function. You can just throw the Quest in a bag, and aslong as you bring the USB-C charger with you, you can play it anywhere you go.That’s the true magic promised by VR gaming, and the Oculus Quest delivers onthat promise.

2. Samsung Odyssey+

Next up is the Samsung Odyssey+. Whether it’s in the world of TVs, phones, computers or now VR gaming technology, Samsung seems to always be at the forefront. So it’s no wonder the Odyssey+ made this list. As you might have guessed, the Odyssey+ is based off of the original Odyssey HMD.

There have been substantial improvements to the original model. This makesthe Odyssey+ the best offering of the Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) devicescurrently on the market. Here’s a rundown of the specs:

Display: AMOLED

Resolution: 2880 x 1600

Field of View: 110 degrees

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Refresh Rate: 90Hz

Controller: Odyssey Controllers

Connections: HDMI, USB 3.0

The AMOLED display stands out right away. It’s similar to standard OLED, butthe “active matrix” component allows for pixels to be activated more quickly.Speed is just as important as resolution in graphics. This is even more truefor gaming, especially VR gaming. The only other device on this list to offerAMOLED technology is the Valve Index (see below), but it costs around twice asmuch.

The rest of the specs on the Odyssey+ are just as good, if not better, thanthe Oculus Quest. On top of that, the Odyssey+ uses Samsung’s proprietaryanti-screen door technology. This is combined with inside-out tracking to offera truly remarkable level of immersion.

Samsung VR headsets used to be limited because of the small numbers of gamesthat you could play on them. However, HTC has recently made it so that thesubscription library is available on all WMR headsets, including the Odyssey+.

With this newly expanded library to choose from the Odyssey+ is now one ofthe best VR headsets on the market.

3. Oculus Rift S

Third on this list is another offering by Oculus, the Rift S. The biggest difference is that the Rift S is not wireless like its cousin the Quest. It replaces the original Oculus Rift with a win-win situation: it comes with a lot of upgrades and it is also sold at the same price point. Here’s a rundown of its specs:

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Display: LCD

Resolution: 2560 x 1600

Field of View: 110 degrees

Refresh Rate: 80Hz

Controller: Oculus Touch

Connections: DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort, USB 3.0

All in all, this is a solid device. One minor step-back is that the refreshrate is slightly lower than the original Rift, and the display is LCD in placeof OLED. But the Rift S makes up for that with a higher resolution and morecomfortable fit. On top of that, inside-out tracking is fully supported on theRift S. That means no more need to buy external sensors and worry about all oftheir wires.

As if that wasn’t enough, Oculus headsets also offer a massive library ofgames. There’s sure to be something for everyone’s taste. As a wired headset,it is a clear winner for PC owners that are looking to get into the world of VRgaming.

4. Valve Index

Finally, we’re wrapping up this list with the Valve Index. The technology in this device foreshadows what the future of VR gaming holds. Just look at these specs:

Display: AMOLED

Resolution: 2880 x 1600

Field of View: ~130 degrees

Refresh Rate: 120Hz

Controller: Index Controllers

Connections: DisplayPort, USB 3.0, USB 2.0

All of these specs are eye-catching. AMOLED is the most vivid display on themarket today. When combined with the 120Hz refresh rate, the Valve Index offerspossibly the best visual experience available. On top of that, the FOV is alsothe highest available. That means that there’s virtually no screen door effectwithin the headset.

Beyond the stunning visuals, there is more impressive technology on thisdevice. The index controllers come with per-finger tracking. This makes thetouch of the controls feel just as lifelike as the visual experience.

The near-field speakers also offer crystal clear audio performance.Altogether, this device offers the kind of truly immersive sensual experiencethat VR gamers dream of.

The one caveat with the Valve Index is its price. It’s almost double all theofferings on this list, but you get what you pay for.

In our opinion, this is the best VR headset on the market. If you have thebudget and a high-performing PC to handle these specs, the Valve Index willdeliver the highest level VR gaming experience available today.