Other Operating Systems
RAPTOR is written in a combination of C# and A# (a port of Ada to the .NET Framework) and is only supported on Windows. We have experimented with MonoUbuntu. We were able to get RAPTOR running on Ubuntu with some features removed. Here's a zip with all of the files in case you want to try it. The most frequent question I get is if there is a Mac version. We don't have time to develop one, but I've heard that Wine may let you run the Windows version on a Mac.

About Modes
RPSP - STEP-004 - 3in Step Pad (With Raptor logo. Clips Included) RPSP - STEP-006S - 4in W2W Oval Step Pad (12in 3rd Step. With Raptor logo. Clips Included) RPSP - STEP-007 - 5in Oval Step Pad (With Raptor logo. Clips Included) RPSP - STEP-008 - 6in Oval Step Pad (With Raptor logo. Clips Included) RPTP - 100-VC - Replacement Tent.
Whether you're a trade professional or an at-home handyman, you deserve hardworking tools that can withstand demanding everyday tasks. Presenting RAPTOR®, a new species of tool. When the job gets tough, the tough turn to RAPTOR® for an extensive line of hand tools (covered by a limited lifetime warranty), cutting tools and extension. Raptor definition is - a carnivorous medium- to large-sized bird (such as a hawk, eagle, owl, or vulture) that has a hooked beak and large sharp talons and that feeds wholly or chiefly on meat taken by hunting or on carrion: bird of prey.

Did you know RAPTOR has modes? By default, you start in Novice mode. Novice mode has a single global namespace for variables. Intermediate mode allows you to create procedures that have their own scope (introducing the notion of parameter passing and supports recursion). Object-Oriented mode is new (in the Summer 2009 version)

RAPTOR is Free!
Raptor Download
RAPTOR is freely distributed as a service to the CS education community. RAPTOR was originally developed by and for the US Air Force Academy, Department of Computer Science, but its use has spread and RAPTOR is now used for CS education in over 30 countries on at least 4 continents. Martin Carlisle is the primary maintainer, and is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University.