Todoist Hide Completed Tasks

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  1. Split big tasks into sub-tasks. Small tasks are far easier to complete than big ones, so break large goals into manageable to-dos. Create a sub-task by selecting any task and choosing Add sub-task. Type your sub-task’s name and due date, as usual. Back in your project, you can use the arrow next to your main task to view or hide your sub-tasks.
  2. Powerful and simple to use tool with a clean design.
  3. Completed tasks are archived automatically. However, this does not apply to subtasks by default. Instead, checking off a subtask marks it as completed without removing it from the view: This may make sense for some people, but I don't like seeing completed tasks on my todo list.

Everyone is looking for ways to get more done each day. Todoist believes it has a solution. The web-based to-do list application lets its users manage personal and professional tasks anywhere, online or offline, across more than a dozen different platforms and devices.

Task Management in Notion YouTube Tutorial. We all have things we want to get done. Having a task management system that you can completely customize to fit your needs and the way you work is the ideal task management solution.

Create to-do lists that encompass your entire life, quickly turning your browser into a task manager and your smartphone into a productivity tool. Manually add tasks to the Todoist app and organize those tasks with labels and due dates. Todoist provides you with the ability to create sub-tasks and sub-projects as a way to break larger tasks into more do-able chunks. You can share and collaborate on tasks with friends or colleagues, and receive instant notifications when the people you’re collaborating with have added comments or marked their own tasks as complete. You’ll also receive reminder notifications before certain tasks are due, which ensures you’ll never miss an important deadline.

Todoist is best known as a personal to-do list application, however advanced features also make the application suitable for business users. Businesses can collaborate on projects and manage tasks. Employees are even able to access files through Todoist’s native apps for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.

Practical Uses:

  • Make a family grocery list
  • Collaborate on a work assignment with colleagues
  • Share task lists with friends
  • Receive notifications before certain tasks are due

Insider Tips:

View Completed Tasks Todoist

  • Multiple devices can be synced in real-time
  • Enable push notifications to find out when your lists are updated
  • Todoist understands due dates written in normal language
  • Create personal filters to keep large task lists organized

What we liked:

  • Todoist works on virtually any device or platform
  • Sub-tasks allow users to organize larger projects
  • Users can share tasks and collaborate on shared plans
  • Todoist has apps and extensions for 13 platforms

What we didn’t like:

  • Premium users are limited to 200 active projects


  • –
  • Remember The Milk –
  • Wunderlist –

Company Info:

  • Launched: January 2007
  • Privately Held
  • Headquarters: Porto, Portugal
  • Founded by: Amir Salihefendic
  • Web site:


  • Free plan
  • Premium plan is $29 per year
  1. Check out Logmedo, a modern database/spreadsheet app that helps you organize anything. On the web and Google play store (

  2. The To-do list is a very underrated application. Many people have didn’t realize how useful this application is for managing your website or social media business page. You can save a lot of time with a to-do list application.

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Whether you’re managing a project or planning an exercise routine, Todoist can help. Learn the basics to stay on top of work and life.

Start with a project

Todoist projects keep all your tasks organized so you can achieve your goals — large and small.

Todoist hide completed tasks online

To create a project, select the + icon next to Projects in the navigation menu. You can add your project’s name, pick a color, and choose to see it as a list or board.

You can create projects to:

  • Make a teaching plan
  • Track a marketing campaign
  • Share a grocery list
Todoist filter completed tasksTry a project template

Add your first task

All projects begin with a single step, but don’t stop there! Add every task that comes to mind.

Just select Add task while in your new project. Write your task’s name. Then choose Add task.

The most achievable tasks tend to be:

  • Super specific and clear
  • Actionable
  • Less than an hour long

Stay on schedule

Life’s smoother if you know what needs to happen when. Todoist can auto-detect due dates, nearly any way you write them!

When you’re typing your task’s name, write out your task’s due date, too.

Todoist understands things like:

  • Buy grapes today
  • Paint the deck this weekend
  • Edit marketing report Sept 15 at 2pm
  • Attend professional development class every 3rd Tues for 6 months starting in April
Get the whole list

Split big tasks into sub-tasks

Small tasks are far easier to complete than big ones, so break large goals into manageable to-dos.

Todoist Hide Completed Tasks

Create a sub-task by selecting any task and choosing Add sub-task. Type your sub-task’s name and due date, as usual.

Back in your project, you can use the arrow next to your main task to view or hide your sub-tasks.

Helpful hints:

  • Divide tough tasks into short, easy ones
  • Track all of your progress
  • Collapse for calm, expand to complete

Organize tasks into sections

Tidy up your long task lists with sections. You can neatly divide your project any way that works for you.

It’s easy! Hover below your list of tasks and select the Add section line that appears.

Tips and tricks:

  • Complete projects in stages
  • Try sections like To Do, Doing, Done
  • Set a schedule by day, week, lunar cycle, whatever!
Find section inspiration

Get things out of your head

Not sure which project a new task should go in? Add the task to your Inbox — the home for tasks without projects (yet).

Find your Inbox at the top of the navigation menu. Any task that isn’t added to a specific project is added there by default.

Easily move tasks from your Inbox to projects later by selecting the task you’d like to move. In task view, use the project icon to choose the right project.

Plan your future

Find every task due today, this week, or any week in your Today and Upcoming views.

You’ll find both views below your Inbox in the navigation menu.

  • Today view shows you all the tasks due today in all of your projects.
  • Upcoming view lets you see every task due in the future.

Prioritize your day

It’s easy to get lost in your task list when there’s a lot on your plate. Keep your focus with color-coded priority levels.

To use priority levels, select a task. From your task view, use the flag icon to choose red priority 1, orange priority 2, blue priority 3, or white priority 4.

Your highest priority tasks will appear near the top of your Today and Upcoming views. That way, you know what to work on first.

Todoist Filter Completed Tasks

Pro tips:

  • Pick only a few must-do tasks each day
  • Do your hardest task first
  • Reschedule any tasks you don’t check off

Celebrate your accomplishments

Small steps add up to big achievements over time. So take a moment to look back on all the progress you’ve made.

Check things off your list by ticking the circle next to the task you have completed. Don’t worry, you can uncomplete tasks, too.

Todoist hide completed tasks

You can see every task you’ve checked off by using the three dots icon at the top of your project. Choose Show completed tasks in the menu.

Todoist helps you:

  • Track your successes
  • Note the challenges
  • Reward yourself for a job well done!

Happy doing!

Now you know the basics of Todoist. That means you’re ready to take control of work and life.

P.S. There’s more to discover.

  • Integrations:Connect Todoist with all the tools you already use.

  • Downloads:With 10+ apps and plugins, Todoist is everywhere you are.

  • Templates:Tried-and-true (and totally editable) projects for work and life.